The WELLNESS ACADEMY is dedicated to uplifting humanity to its higher octave living via teaching YOGA, MEDITATION, RADIONICS, and WRITING.

here, on our Wellness Academy site, you can find various tools, to train, you and inspire you to activate your life force, to increase your health and immunity, and radiate more love & light, and get inspired to make more of your life!

You may alread know that we live in a consciousness interactive universe.

You may call it The Matrix, the Hologram, you may call it Maya, the cosmic interplay of light and energy.

As we know even Quantum Physics tells us that there is no real matter in the universe, just light and energy, and therefor not the ultimates reality, just like the old Rishis of India speak of in the Vedas.

From ancient teachings to modern quantum physics understanding of the laws of the universe, what appears to be universally true is: That we all are living in a consciousness interactive universe.

How then does our mind and our soul interact with the universe?

We interact with the field in many ways, certainly through our body, our breath, our own electric life force.

However our thoughts, and imagination, and scalar informational waves have, especially when trained, a supercharged abiltiy to interact with the Field.

Here at the Wellness Academy you can learn and train to interact with "The Field" in various ways, and practice getting results in the 3-D World.


To get started, get the book by Dr. Don Paris Regaining Wholeness Through the Subtle Dimensions which you can download here for free.

It is a radically new field called Radionics, which has far-reaching effects not only on the physical universe but also on the very cosmology that we live by.

The Wellness Academy provides tools, so you can up-level yourself to the new human and new understanding of how the universe works, to get the best tools to augment health and consciousness, that we have found in our 40 years of research. plus offer you practical training to up-level your energy on all levels.

 Whatever your interest, we provide you with tools so you can discover the power of your body, mind, and soul.

With us, you can study on your own, or join our study groups, where you can share with like-minded people across the planet.

To get started we recomment that you get your FREE copy of the internationally bestselling book REGAINING WHOLENESS THROUGH THE SUBTLE DIMENSIONS by Dr. Don Paris (Ph.D. h.c.) HERE



Discover the power of Quantum in Wellness.

Study for FREE or study at greater depths, the art of online Health-Analysis & Balancing

Learn how you can take control of your Health & Wellness with Radionics!

Begin your Journey to Wellness today with over 50 Programs to choose from.

Or learn about Remote Radionic Balancing by reading the classic book Regaining Wholeness Through the Subtle Dimensions .
Get the book for FREE



Explore the amazing power of Yoga.

Here you will find courses good for beginners and reaching into advanced training, with renowned teacher from accorss the globe.

Study the depth of authentic Yoga with the Akasha Yoga Academy.

You can choose from personal easy yoga classes to advanced classes and even dive into Yoga Alliance accredited Yoga Teacher Training with our affiliated Akasha Yoga Academy.


Harnessing the Power of Tools that pormote Healing
Welcome on a transformative journey into the world of healing, where we explore a range of powerful tools that promote physical and mental well-being.

Here you will find courses, even some for free, and delve into the wonders of mircro-current and electromagnetic healing, also learning about the power of water purity, and more,.

These courses will be providing you the essential knowledge and practical techniques to enhance your overall wellness.

"I have studied for decades with you and my life is now a rich tree, from which I share a million fruits with the wold."

- Wang Gang - from China

Don Paris Ph.D.(h.c.) & Ilona Selke & the Akasha Yoga Academy Team

are co-creators of the 

Tolls for Wellness Academy

We are international teachers and Ilona Selke and Don Paris Ph.D.(h.c.) are bestselling authors and have been teaching in the field of consciousness since 1986, training doctors, teachers, practitioners, authors, farmers, and lay people alike to reach higher grounds.
We provide methods to access higher dimensions to create a better world.
Explore our Online Wellness Academy and the tools for health and wellness and dive into the exploration of a New You!

If You had Access to the Future,
What Would You Do?

Regaining Wholeness Through the Subtle Dimensions will guide you through the latest research from the distant past to the most sci-fi-sounding reality of now, of some of the most profound research on health and wellness.

This knowledge teaches you how you can make shifts, in physical reality, now understood to actually be the Matrix.

This knowledge had been kept from the eyes of the public.

For the last 100+ years, Radionics has been refined and perfected to allow the user of this technology to redesign the Informational Fields (IDFs or Intrinsic Data Fields) that hold the fabric of our universe together.

Farmers, Doctors, laymen, and laywomen, all have been able to learn to access this higher IDF dimension, to create healing and transformation for the better.

At this very moment, you have the opportunity in front of you, not only to glimpse the future, but to begin bringing about your wildest dreams.

Whether you want better health, satisfying work, spiritual enlightenment, or prosperity, this book is for you.
You will discover how easy it is to:

  • Access information from the Past, Present or Future
  • Use the principles of quantum physics for better health
  • Use equipment, now, from the distant future to bring about your wants, hopes, and desires
  • Increase your intuition and perform miracles

The opportunity to change your world is here, right in front of you!

Open the door to discover more by downloading the book by Dr. Don Paris for free!

Sign up and get your free copy of the book by Dr. Don Paris (Ph.D. h.c.)


Where Science Meets Magic!

by Don Paris Ph.D.(h.c)